OP Class of 1975 LINKS
This forum is a place where all our members can interact in the cyber world. Please be kind and considerate when posting any messages.
For those who love to chat you are welcome to this chatroom. Please do be charming and cheerful when chatting here.
This is the list of the OP members Class of 75 (54 members) extracted from egroups members email adress but as you can see some of the email adresses is incomplete and some owners not  identified thus  we need your help to inform us so as corrections could be made. This list however would be completed once we have compiled all the required information. For the rest of the members, if you happen to know where those people are, please contact us through our egroups mail or click the feedback button at the bottom of the page. 
 Notices and issues discussed by our members in our egroups mail listing will be displayed here. The subject displayed would all be contributed by fellow member OPs from our Class of 75.  Fellow members  can contribute to this column in the form of articles or comments or even submit an interesting site you have visited. Anyway we are still counting on the rest of you guys to send us images or picts of our class of 75. You could attach the picts while posting messages in the egroups or have it mailed as an attachment to our email at putera75@egroups.com.
Members Link
This page will bring to you images of old puteras 75 sent to us by our members in our egroups mail listing. To make this site more interactive we would like fellow members to contribute to this column in the form of images (recent or archived).  
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